
Approach a young horse safely

On this course, the student will aim to be able to:
- approach a young horse safely (1 day)
- handle a young horse safely (2 days)

Training programme for 1 day:

1/ Approaching a young horse:
- approach a young horse
- be in the correct position with regard to a young horse
- describe the behaviour of a young horse
- describe the different areas of sensitivity on a young horse

Training programme for 2 days:

1/ Approaching a young horse:
- approach a young horse
- be in the correct positon with regard to a young horse
- describe the behaviour of a young horse
- describe the different areas of sensitivity on a young horse

2/ Handling a relaxed young horse in-hand:
- invite forward movement
- use of the voice
- use of the rider's aids from the ground
- move the young horse in all directions without force


Number of students: Group of 12 students  
Venue At the Ecole Blondeau, in France or abroad Would you like further details about this course?





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La Grande Pièce St-Hilaire St-Florent
49400 SAUMUR
Tél : 33(0)2 41 50 70 50

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