Training yourself and your young horse


Training yourself to improve the link

Introduction : All our courses aim to create a good relationship between man and the horse when they work together.  In the course "Training yourself and your young horse", you will start by watching the work with horses entrusted to us for their education and re-education.  You will be guided through all the steps of the Blondeau method to break-in your young horse. 
Depending on your objective and your level, we can offer you a personalised programme of ground work or ridden work.  

Aim :   Using theory to understand better the relationship with a young horse.   
Making use of the principles of the Blondeau method to educate your young horse.    

This course is for rider/breeder/owners, and riders 

Training content  :
Theory modules :
The theory that you will be taught will cover subjects of equestrian culture and ethology.  
These subjects will enable you to understand the principles of the Blondeau method. 
Practical modules :
Handling your young horse in the stable to teach him to listen to you
Teaching your young horse to go into and out of a trailer   
Carrying out upward and downward transitions from the ground using your voice  
Saddling your young horse for the first time 
Mounting your young horse for the first time  
Carry out the first ridden walk and trot using the voice 
Carry out the first ridden canter with a receptive young horse

Programme to download 

Diploma obtained : 2B

Level required :   FFE Galop 7 or experience

Responsable de stage : Sophie Barreau

Intervenants :
Nicolas Blondeau
Sophie Barreau
Elise Lefol

Duration : 5 days

Dates :
- du lundi 24 janvier au vendredi 28 janvier 2022

Location : Saumur

Accessibilité aux personnes en situation de handicap : Contactez-nous avec ce formulaire

Tariff : 875€ taxes included (education of your horse and your course)

Diploma obtained :


To apply: 02 41 50 70 50 - Contact us with this form

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Through Sophie's eyes



La Grande Pièce St-Hilaire St-Florent
49400 SAUMUR
Tél : 33(0)2 41 50 70 50

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Ecole Blondeau